What is Inside the Orca Mind?
When you look up the smartest living thing that comes after humans, I believe the intelligence of orcas are greatly ignored. To help prove this, Laura Zeppetelli-Bédard, a research assistant who participated in monitoring contaminants in the tissues of northern belugas, writes “What do we Know about Intelligence in Whales and Dolphins?” provides extensive research to help me introduce the ability of how intelligent orcas really are.
When considering whether a cetacean as incredible as an orca, the ability of thought needs to be considered. Anthropomorphism — the belief that animals can experience the same thoughts and emotions as human beings — is a critical feature to consider when understanding the extensive capability of orcas. In my previous article about orcas, I mentioned orcas have a culture and well thought method of actions, but really how far does this go? Cetaceans have complex emotions and language with specific dialect that they can communicate within their own culture, just like humans! How incredible is that!?
To examine further into the orca brain, they have greater cerebral folding versus humans. When orcas are learning new information, they speed of learning works at an extremely fast pace that humans can practically only dream of. Additionally, orcas have what is called an insular cortex, like we humans do. This part of the brain regulates consciousness and self-awareness, while processing emotions. Information like this has been acknowledged since the 1970’s. In 2013, PNAS even conducted a study proving that bottlenose dolphins learn to address each other through a specific “signature whistle”. Also, the WDC, a nonprofit that advocates for the rights of Whales and Dolphins, presents that many whale and dolphin species, including orcas, have something called spindle cells. These spindle cells are believed to be responsible for “rapid intuitive choice in complex social situations” and are incorporated with feeling emotions.
In one of the most famous and unfortunate cases, an orca named Tahlequah, labeled J35, carried her dead calf for 17 days. Due to this case, orcas are seen to experience what many loving mothers would feel and experience what is it like to have a such an important and irreplaceable bond taken away from them. On the other hand, orcas can also express and feel emotions associated with friendship and acceptance. Disney + released a series from 2021 made from National Geographic called “Secrets of the Whales”. One of the episodes are dedicated to learning more about orcas and revealed incredible facts. In one situation to see a pod of orcas after their feeding, a diver is nearby and the Mother orca, the leader of the pod, begins to offer a part of their food to the diver, most likely confusing him with another lost orca. It needs to be understood that orcas not only have a sense of self, but they also have self awareness of who is their family is and create close bonds with their pack. Therefore, this Mother developed the thought of providing a part of their own food (which was not easy to find) to what she thought was an orca, without feeling possessive or hesitant as a caring Mother.
To add on, orcas have evolved to prioritize bonding socially. As a result, they learn through their elders and through their cultural. Within orca pods, they structure themselves in a matriarchal society and hold the Mother and Grandmother orcas on an imperative pedestal. It is their responsibility to show how to hunt for food, use resources, sing certain songs, protect families from starving, etc. A documentary named “Killer Shark vs. Killer Whale” challenges a variety of theories to essentially convey that orcas can properly defeat the notorious Great White Shark. In this documentary, there was several instances of video footage portraying orcas successfully killing a Great White Shark. In fact, a method shown that the orcas use is a method many scientists use to examine sharks. This is to flip Sharks on their backs to put them in a trance for orcas to easily kill them.
It needs to be made aware that orcas are simply a living being that practically simulate the intellectual capability of humans. With a better environment, they could be able to flourish even more. Instead of degrading their existence, we need to appreciate the wonderful information they are able to provide for humans from a safe distance for both beings.
- https://whalescientists.com/intelligence-whales-dolphins/
- https://whalescientists.com/intelligence-whales-dolphins/
- https://disneyplusoriginals.disney.com/show/secrets-of-the-whales
- https://orcaspirit.com/resources/wildlife/resident-orcas/#
- https://medcraveonline.com/IJAWB/orcas-are-social-mammals.html
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